Guiding your business for digital transformation

We’re here to help you get started with Digital Transformation. Our consulting services focus on your most critical issues and opportunities: business model innovation and process automation. We help you build software solutions to achieve these outcomes.


Brand building digital Marketing Agency with Business Inteligence

Digital Transformation

True digital transformation starts with the right questions. What do your customers need? What are your competitors delivering? Where are your opportunities? We help you find the answers for a winning digital strategy.

Software Development

Today, your customers expect your offerings to be faster, easier, be everywhere, and always on. Our experienced team of software developers build the right solutions your business needs to implement digital transformation.


Your team needs new sets of skills, mindset, and tools to thrive in the digital economy. We equip employees with digital skills centered around technologies driving transformation in your industry or market.

Why Work with Us?


We help you focus on what needs to happen today to achieve long-term results. Your path to a digital future starts with key discrete steps.


Using agile thinking, we can help you revive stalled digital products and achieve accelerated outcomes for other digital capabilities.

Brand building digital Marketing Agency with Business Inteligence


We provide you insights with where your competitors will likely be in 5 to 10 years with our lenses to see where your industry is heading.


Our approach to digital strategy gives you the flexibility to pivot if conditions change. We guide you to define the future, not hide from it.

Our Team

Here at BZLEA, we practice what we preach. The nature of work is drastically changing all over the world. Our decentralized team of digital experts and software developers are spread across industries and countries. And we complement our transformation management expertise with a curated ecosystem of digital innovators to deliver better, faster and more enduring outcomes.

What we believe

It’s not too late for a given business to catch up with disruptions and transformations shaping the world today. The rules of competition are changing too. And businesses need to collaborate, and build strategic alliances and ecosystems that support digital strategy.


BZLEA Limited Company
Akwa, Douala, Cameroon

Phone: (+237) 695779781